Through Job and into the Psalms!
I mentioned near the beginning of the journey that I had chosen I theme for my reading. That theme is "ease." As in, being "at ease," and doing things "with ease." The idea was just something that stood out to me as a was preparing to begin the journey. I looked up the word, and this is what I found:
1. the state of being comfortable: as
a : freedom from pain or discomfort
b : freedom from care
c : freedom from labor or difficulty
d : freedom from embarrassment or constraint : naturalness <known for his charm and ease of manner>
e : an easy fit
2. relief from discomfort or obligation
— ease·ful \-fəl\ adjective
— ease·ful·ly \-fə-lē\ adverb
— at ease
1: free from pain or discomfort
2a : free from restraint or formality <feels most at ease with old friends> b : standing silently (as in a military formation) with the feet apart, the right foot in place, and one or both hands behind the body —often used as a command
Pretty neat, huh? Well, thus far (Genesis through Job, basically) I've been at a loss to find things that relate directly to this. No one seems to be, uh, at ease (to say the least!) But, I think today, God began highlighting some really outstanding ideas that I didn't see before. Stay tuned next month when I start elaborating on each days reading...
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