There is a depth to the book of Joshua that I'd like to go back and study more later. For now, I don't feel like I have a whole lot to say about it, because it carried on a lot of similar themes we saw in the previous books. (Hopefully this in not a cop-out on my part)
My dad was talking to me this morning, and was saying how he believed that in times past, (before we had civil society -- whatever that means) it was simply an animalistic, dog-eat-dog world, and the bigger man or larger force would come out on top. Apart from God, this might be true. But with God, it's just not the case, as we've already seen.
Again, in Deuteronomy 20, we see God proving this.
"When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you...for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies to save you." (Deuteronomy 20:1, 4)God promised that He would fight FOR them! Another verse, I believe somewhere in Deuteronomy, that I memorized a while ago said a similar thing. It told the Israelites that the enemy they saw today, they would never see again, all they had to do was WATCH as God destroyed it! That definitely spoke to me, at the time, about the enemies in my life (not necessary people) but things in my life I would have gladly never seen again. And you know what? He did it! He even destroyed all those enemies in my life, as I, personally, believed on this verse.
Another key I noticed in the above verse is, "fear." God told them simply, not to fear, as He says all throughout His Word! It has to be one of the most repeated phrases! Why? Because fear completely undermines confidence in God. When fear is let in, thoughts came too, like "I don't know, maybe we can't do this." Well, it was never them who were going to do it in the first place, it was God through them. So, that decision that they can't do it, is the one that actually comes to pass!!
One more proof from the end of today's reading, that God is worthy of our confidence is this. (By the way, at this point, the Israelites have made it to the promised land, and were being given each their portion, and they were once again at rest. God had subdued their enemies on every side). So it was said: "NOT ONE of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; ALL CAME TO PASS." (Joshua 21:45, caps mine) Simple as that!!!
God is worthy of my confidence! Glory be to Him!
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